Sunday, July 16, 2017

First Post

I have struggled with my weight since my 30s.  Since I am now in my 50s I realize that is way too long to be overweight. In recent years I had made progress but since winter I have slipped back into old habits.  My eating is out of control and I have stopped going to the gym.

There is a reason I stopped going to the gym for my personal training sessions.  At the end of March I had some bouts of vertigo. I went to the doctor to see why and ended up having to have an echocardiogram.  I was subsequently diagnosed with a heart valve issue. And while the cardiologist says I can ease back into my training I have been very nervous about doing so. I am slowly working on easing into cardio by doing 1.75 mile walks with my hubby before work.  We get up at 5 am and walk a nice hilly loop through campus.  

Last night I was jotting down some goals in my journal.  Many of them hark back to this quote I posted a while ago on Facebook.

This could be the title of my life story.  Sigh....  I can talk the talk but don't always walk the walk.  I have a tendency to easily get off track. I so want to continue this fitness journey I started two years ago.  But in order to keep it up I need to also stick to better eating and better work/life balance.  Some of the goals I jotted down:
  • Stop eating crap!  Seriously.  I do well for so long then slip back to old, ugly habits of eating terrible-for-me foods and sneak eating.  Why of why do I do this?  I sabotage myself ALL THE TIME.  Stop it.
  • Stop making excuses.  I am the Queen of Excuses.
  • Stop blaming everything on my slow metabolism. 
  • Move more. Continue the daily walks and work towards getting back to my training sessions. I also want to add yoga several mornings a week. Continue to track my steps on my new Garmin and work to up my step goals.
  • Complain less. Enough said.  Get over it.  Life isn't always fair.  Either find a way to change it or deal with it.  Mostly this is related to work but unfortunately this complicates my every day life. I need to find a solution at work or move on.  
  • Do this for health and fitness and not necessarily the number on the scale. But we all know that is a little bit of a lie - the number on the scale does matter.
I truly want more than anything else to be healthy and fit. I want to be healthy! I want to be around for a long time to enjoy retirement years with my hubby and spend lots of time with our granddaughters.  And I know the older I get the harder it will be to lose weight and get fit.

So I start this journey - again - and reset today.